Frequently Asked Questions

Frequent Flyers


Do you offer therapy outside of relationship advisement?

Our cooperative is dedicated to further our field of science via continual research. Currently, we are exclusively focusing on relationship-related issues and concerns.


Do you accept insurance?

We do not at this time. We live in a state that continues to view mental health as a luxury, not an essential part of one’s health and well-being. Should there be extenuating circumstances, please contact us.


Can I only do coaching for one issue, ever?

Of course you can come back! Whether old habits relapsed or you have a separate/new issue you’d like solutions for, we are always here for you and your loved ones.

"A good marriage is a contest of generosity."



Can I pay in person?

For security purposes, we are currently not accepting any payments through any means other than our website payment portal, which is kept secure and operated by Square Space.

Can I switch who I see?

If you would prefer to try out or switch to a different Assistant Psychologist or relationship coach, feel free to call the office number and we will manually change your scheduling assignment.

We all fervently hold that good mental health care has 3 interconnected components: the client, the clinician, and the therapy. If a client isn’t in an open mind frame to accept advice, or the clinician’s personality doesn’t mesh well with the client, or the therapy is too overwhelming, or any number of misfits between the triad, then it is time to adjust!

Never feel uncomfortable asking for change; we all work together to offer our clients the most personalized care and are not possessive of your progress!

Can I get a refund if I need to cancel?

We recognize that life happens! Should you need to re-schedule or feel you’d like to discontinue after already setting up your next session, we can re-schedule or refund 100% of your payment so long as it is cancelled at least 24 hours before your appointment. Should you no-show, need to re-schedule, or like to cancel after such time, we do retain 25% of your payment to compensate our team for preparing and making time to We make exceptions on a case by case basis for illness, but our time is very precious to us as well. Please be considerate in the same way you would wish others to consider your own time!

Let us help you find care that's right for you.